The International Day of the African child (DAC) is commemorated every year on 16th June by all member states of African Union (AU), and its corresponding partners. In Soweto,South Africa, on June 16, 1976, about ten thousand black school children marched in a column more than half a mile long, protesting the poor quality of their education and demanding their right to be taught in their own language, therefore DAC further presents an opportunity to reflect on the lived realities of children in Africa.
Strive Foundation Rwanda commemorated the day in Nyamasheke District in partnership with the Human Rights commission on the 25th/06/2022 after being postponed from the actual date. It was in Kagano Sector, Rwesero cell that 6 schools with over 600 students and local authorities where assembled with an objective of discussing the challenges and opportunities facing the full realization of the rights of children in Africa through celebrations on the theme “Protecting the child, Building a better future”.
Strive Foundation Rwanda has been in Nyamasheke District since 2007 and its vision of providing sustainable social welfare, integration and economic development for most vulnerable groups has benefited mostly children of the Child Headed Household. These families are tight beneficiaries of Strive Foundation Rwanda and have by all means received basic life needs and wants even in the absence of their parents or guardians but with the support from Strive Foundation Rwanda.
In partnership with all our stakeholders, SFR with continuously implement all protocols meant to promote and advocate for children since we recognize the child’s unique and need for protection and special care