After assessing on the level of how livestock (cows) have successfully and efficiently changed our beneficiary’s livelihoods, Strive Foundation Rwanda has gone ahead to supply these livestock(cows) to more Child Headed Household in the context of improving their lives to a sustainable level, the most vulnerable CHH families in Rangiro have now taken the lead, whereby besides housing construction, education scholarships, and improved health-care all will be supplied Milk cows like their sister and brother CHH from Kagano, Kanjongo, Bushekeri, Karengera, Ruharambuga and Bushenge in Nyamasheke District and also Nkungu, Nyakabuye, Butare and Bweyeye in Rusizi District.
The Milk cows have really turned into income generating sources to most of our beneficiaries plus also boosting their agricultural practices through the consistent production of organic manures to curb down the problem of food shortage in their communities.
Despite of some challenges these beneficiaries face in rearing these cows like costly medications incase these animals fall sick, Strive Foundation Rwanda covers the costs by giving a first-Aid package that includes medications for each house household and knapsack sprayers to keep the cows free from tick diseases.